Tuesday, February 24, 2009

(not getting) Meeka : Part II early Mon morn

Part Two

11 pm: Call Nicole: “Your dad still isn’t here.”
“Are you serious?”
“Well let me find out what’s going on.”

11:30 pm: We call Nicole back. No answer – lv message.

Sunday, Feb 22nd: 12:15 am: Nicole texts – can’t find her dog. Headed out to find dad and dog.

12:30 am: Nicole texts: Can’t text – driving.

1:15 am: Call Nicole. “I’m just getting my shoes on – heading out the door now.” (see above discrepancy)

2:00 am: (After several text messages and voicemails) Nicole: “I went to get up to go find the dog/dad, and I felt like a freight train hit me. I sent my roommate out who drives a faded red Tracker.” Same time….see Bronco drive past on main road (appx. ½ mile away from us) Tell her that.

2:15 am: We send message asking what we need to do.

2:30 am: Receive text from Nicole saying that she doesn’t know where dad or dog is.

I tell Andrew, forget it, we’re headed home. This is bullshit! After assessing how tired we were (thank God we brought Cash with us – who hadn’t eaten anything yet that day), we opted for a cheap hotel and to pick up the dog in the morning. On the way to the hotel, we get a phone call from Nicole talking about how she is so sorry, and that she will personally hand-deliver Meeka to us in the morning, call when we got up, and she would bring her to us. Got Cash 3 hamburgers from Waffle House – fed to him.
Cash was on high alert in the hotel room all night. Slept from 3am-8am.

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