Thursday, August 21, 2008

More non-Spencerific Beer

No, Morgenstern, you're right, Fat Tire isn't on the east, but everyone I mention it to sing praises of it.


Flying Dog Old Scratch
Some crappy Hefeweissen
Highland Cattail Wheat

Will write more later...little buzzed right now.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Lol, I know I'm right. Robert and I have spoken to the brewmasters a few times about the sad fact that their beer isn't available east of the Mississippi (which literally is the dividing line). Basically, it all comes down to funds and the insecurity that it'll do well past Arkansas. New Belgium Brewing isn't Coors Brewing, so it's more difficult for them. But god is their beer unbelievable. There are a number of beers through their label that I love, but Fat Tire is a necessity with every meal when I'm in Colorado. Robert and I just need to settle there, and get it over with. ;)

I'm not a big fan of Flying Dog...I'm interested in how you'll feel about it, though.