Thursday, July 3, 2008

TMNT - thumbs down

Keith's right - this game sucks, and if I was going to write a full review here on what I've seen thus far, it would be several pages long. Some things I have problems with:

* The graphics and animation are that similar to an SNES or arcade game.
* You can't control the camera angle and so you're always in front of the turtle watching him from the front - jumping off into the unknown at parts. From what we could tell last night, there are no options of changing that.
* Some of the techniques required to move through the levels are frustrating and are similar to back in the day of "if you want to move your character forward, press XX YY XYXY ABC AABBBBBCCCC UP DOWN BACK BACK FORWARD."

These are just some of the problems I have with the game; however, hearing a grown man talk about "damn turtles" and "can we please have the camera BEHIND the turtle? is that too much to ask?" as well as the game telling us you have to be's a turtle...Ninja or's...a....turtle :)

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