Thursday, July 3, 2008

ShOcKiNg! - Bioshock

I started playing Bioshock last weekend - last Sunday night. First of all, Bioshock is not a game to be played at night right before bed. I have never in my life, played a more stressful game. The designers, as Keith and I discussed last night, did a great job in the game's atmosphere: dark, spooky, eerie, half people/half science experiments-ish gone wrong. One minute you're strolling along, hacking vending machines, the next moment, you're being whacked in the head with a wrench by a crazed, blood soaked psycho. I'm still turning and asking Keith if "they're coming in here" (Big Daddies and Little Sisters:)

You learn more and more about the story behind the game as you play, but dear Lord. As fun as collecting achievements goodness....this game is one to be played if you like games that require some intricate thinking and solving puzzles.

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