1) Guitar Hero III - It's safe to say that while I may have the drums and singing down pat in Rock Band, I suck at Guitar Hero III. After knowing how to play the guitar, my fingers fumble looking for notes that aren't there. It was quite humorous, I'm sure of it. I cuss during some gaming, and I find myself laughing uncontrollably at how bad I suck at GH-III. I managed to get through a Dropkick Murphys song, Pat Benatar, Disturbed, and some others, but GH-III will require MUCH more play time to even begin to fit in the groove.

2) Halo 3: Slayer - Most anyone that has played Halo with me knows...this is not my favorite. I seem to recall "someone's" blog post from way back when about "understanding when I get annoyed playing with pre-teens on Live." Yeah...I can see how that would happen. My new slayer comparison - 25-13 (I think...right?). I was not the 25'er, but I did manage to have a few good moments, "where are you? how did you get up there?"

3) Portal - ah, Portal. When I first started playing, I was confused but easily fell into the swing of it all. Now I find myself in the final areas of the last Testchamber. I follow the sign for cake! (the cake is a lie, the cake is a lie, the cake is a lie, the cake is a lie....) Hey there is no cake only a maniacal Glados who still says things like, "remember that time I told you there was cake, and then you went through the fire?" almost reminicing how "fun" that was. Let's see, I've launched myself through the air, giggled when I knocked over laser-scoping gun-bots, found myself saying stuff like, "oh well...crap...I fell in the acid again" and found myself thinking about alternate physics "if I put a blue portal there, and an orange portal here, and then run and jump here, fall, and shoot, I'll be over there on that side from that blue portal." Right - doesn't make sense? it will. I message my Portal Pal and tell him where I am in Portal. He "lol" at me and informs me that "sometimes you can come from the floor." Okay - lots of help that does though I have two new tactics to try when I play next...without getting crushed by giant piston like steel tubes.

4) Bioshock - I am set to play Bioshock. I can't comment on it and am trying to look at some screenshots or just a basic, "this is what it is" without cheating and looking for the player's guide. (I've been successful in NOT doing that for any game I've ever played though really wanted one for Portal last night!)
And that's my gaming review.
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