Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It's alive!

Maybe not, but our tomatoes have grown as if we were injecting them with steroids (we're not!)

Our Bush Goliath has a cluster of five tomatoes growing together, but our Better Boys are alive and kickin', too.

We had our first pest run in: whiteflies.  Gross little paper-thin suckers that covered our tomato plants.  I went to buy Elementals Insecticidal Soap, but the store was sold out.  Instead, a Bayer representative introduced me to a replacement insecticide safe for fruits and veggies.  It took quite a bit of time to ensure my plants were thoroughly covered.  Now the plants are covered in whitefly carcasses.  I'm keeping an eye on things though to make sure I got them all.

All in all, the City Picker Patio Garden Kit is a great buy!

A picture progress report?  Okay!

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