Some people don't understand the concept of "time." When I say, "I have been really busy," I mean it. I'm not trying to blow someone off; I was just...."really busy."
You see, I have a full-time job. I work [a minimum] of 40 hours per week. However, I also have other jobs: photography, custom portraits (pen and ink), and reclaimed lumber retrieval and creations. Those are my paying jobs.
Then we have Grimm: a 9 months old German Shepherd goofball who is going through his juvenile delinquent stage (one of two that he will have) who requires constant training and conditioning.
Then we have domestic duties: cleaning my house, laundry, dishes, preparing dinner, grocery shopping, going to the butcher, etc.
Then we have added events: helping family members pack and move, helping friends affected by the flooding, family members coming into town for a weekend, heading to New York to paint a mural in a baby nursery, heading out of town for work, shuttling family members around that are from out of town for the weekend, meeting other family members/friends at locations to have them follow me someplace, running errands such as the bank, home improvement stores, etc., having repair people come over to repair things...
Then we have unexpected events: battery dies in a parking lot requiring me to drive down and give a jump to the vehicle, flooding in which friends need help gutting and removing debris, moving back into their homes, getting various background checks and immunizations done for assisting people and EMT/SAR programs, prepping for weekend training/certification sessions for SAR.......
So it really irks me when I receive an e-mail that includes words like "supposedly" and "as you said you were going to" about trivial little things like photographs (and not photographs for a client either).
In case you didn't know.....................I'VE BEEN BUSY!
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