I called the company's insurance agent again who told me that she had called the regional manager. The regional manager told her yesterday that the location manager of the business that hit my car had been fired the Friday before. The "stand in" manager didn't know how to process insurance and accident claims so he (the regional manager) is "trying to help them out."
I told the insurance agent that I had gotten an estimate yesterday and was told $701 and change PLUS depreciation/loss of value. She was quiet, and then said, "can you fax that over? that would get the ball moving."
So I did, and, per the body shop's request, wrote on the bottom, "PLUS depreciation/loss of value: the difference from what the car's value was before the accident to what the car's value is after the accident, post repairs since the car is an '06 model with no body work having been performed prior to the accident."
my brother's truck was hit by an unstuck golf cart at a hospital as he waited for the light to change...
he's an engineer by hire so you'd think he'd be smart enough to get the other guy's name and insurance #. But now he's talkin' to the guy's boss by fax and is growing impatient with the repairs....
so, I don't ask questions but I think the guys gonna leave his job before the repairs are done...
it pays to look at the back of your insurance card and read steps 1 through 4 to cover something you have that doesn't depreciate!!!
ps. yes he's my younger brother an I'm a degreed engineer.
The "good" news is I made a copy of the driver's license, made a copy of his insurance (since this all happened in my work's parking lot), and have already been in contact with his insurance company.
The even better news is that the accident was witnessed by two others AND caught on our company's security camera.
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