Friday, September 12, 2008

A Whirlwind...and I don't mean Ike

Wow - what a packed weekend I have!

7:30a-5p: Work
5p-6p: Commute home
6p-rest of evening: laundry, launder and remake guest bed, clean main bathroom, vacuum, eat at some point, pack, clean, prepare.

7a-10a: Drive to meet folks to have them follow me to Auburn
10a-1p: Drive to Auburn (not the whole time)
1p-5p: Amanda's bridal shower
Sometime after 5pm and helping clean: Dinner with parents at Provino's
Go to bed

6-7am: Wake up and head out to Atlanta
10a-1p: Meet with Bobbie (?) to sign Hard Core paperwork for adopting Silver Comet portion
2p: Return. Unpack from Auburn. Get things situated for the upcoming week.
6p: Leave to go to Marlowe's for a birthday party.
6-10p: Marlowe's for birthday party
10p-whenever: After party at Amy and Jim's house for birthday party

6:30am: Wake up and go to work.

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