I'll be updating this list as more are brought to my attention.
List of puppy mills and backyard breeders in the State of Georgia:
1. Chickamauga Kennels www.chickamaugakennels.com
Has several HUNDRED dogs at their location. Most have some sort of health issue. All have temperament issues.
2. Heavens Gate Kennels www.heavensgatekennels.net
Breeds SEVERAL types of dogs from English Bulldogs to German Shepherds to Pitbull/Rottweilers that they register with the CKC (Continental Kennel Club.)
3. Playful Puppies www.playfulpuppies.net
Not only is this place a puppy mill, but "if you have a Home Depot card, we can work something out on payment for a puppy."
ETA: 12-07-09: My stances do not change on any of the above "breeders," and all information obtained about above "breeders" was obtained on initial publishing date of this post (September 2008.) When I passed along various [factual - pulled right from their website] details (minus the actual name of the location) on one of the above breeders and asked what others thought, here were the responses:
A. "Sounds more like a puppy mill to me."
B. "I call these people puppy producers and consider them...parasites."
C. "Puppy mill."
D. "puppy factory or a puppy mill"
E. "I was also thinking puppy mill."
F. "I'd call it a puppy mill."
G. "Puppy Mill. CKC was the give away, of course so was the rest of it." (Pulled directly from website - "she is CKC registered" and "all puppies are either AKC or CKC registered."
I. "Agree, puppy mill...and a pretty blatant one at that."
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