Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Random Memory: Running Away.

Sometime in a child's life, especially if they have a brother or sister, they say they're going to run away. Now, nothing bad could be going on in their lives to warrant the want of running away, but it just sounds like a "cool" thing to do.

My brother and I did. I was 6 or 7. He was 7 or 8. We made a pact that we were going to run away.

We decided we would need to make spears for protection and commenced making them. Our list of runaway materials included the following:

1) The dog: a 15 lbs. miniature poodle named Ichabod Krane (don't dis my dog. He wasn't froo froo).
2) A gallon of milk (we were smart enough to realize this was good for us. Refrigeration never crossed our minds).
4) A roll of toilet paper.

We planned to sneak out the next night and "run away." Where did we decide? Why where every kid in the Northeast wants to run away to. The Beach? The City? No.

"Amish Country." Yes, it was our large goal to run away to Amish Country in Pennsylvania. We had been there on vacation, and apparently we wanted to run away to a culture where there were no modern conveniences, no running water, no electricity. Sounds like every kid's dream.

1am came and went the next night, and we slept through it. Eventually we outgrew our "running away" phase though were always asked what the spears were for :)

1 comment:

The Journey said...


I had a mini poodle too. His name was Chocolate because he was brown when I got him then he turned gray and his name was still Chocolate!

Fun times! I wasn't smart enough to plan that well... I would hide within my house... I had a thing for closets & underneath stuff.