Friday, June 13, 2008

Wienerschnitzel, Schlichter, Hassenpfeffer, pferd, whatever.

Telephone conversation:

Me: [calling a dealer in Alabama] Hey, may I please speak to Brian?
Receptionist: Shaw, hold on just a men-it, hunny.
Brian: This is Brian.
Me: Hey Brian. Rusty was over here and wanted us to send you guys some stuff to the service manager.
Brian: [thick Alabama accent] Well I guess he means "Bin."
Me: All right.
Brian: Now...I don't know how to say his last name, but I can spell it for ya, he's German.
Me: *giggle* all right.
Brian: S-C-H-L-I-C-H-T-E-R....hassenpfeffer, wienerschnitzel, whatever. I can't pronounce it.
Me: Schlichter? (think Shlicktur)
Brian: Hey that's pretty good. When I pronounce it, it comes out...not right....crude...and wrong. I can't help it, it's my Alabama upbringing. I forget the the "lich" in the middle.
Me: Do you "forget" or do you "conveniently forget"?
Brian: Depends on my mood.

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