Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Where's George?

Three years ago, I was an addict. I had to have my fix, and I had to be in control. I was addicted to "Where's George?" For those of you who don't know what it is, it's a US Dollar bill tracking program. You write or stamp "Track me at www.wheresgeorge.com." The person enters your bill's information in the computer, and it shows where it's been, where it was found, etc.

I used to get my paychecks and cash them out in $1 bills. When I worked driving the horse and carriage, I'd take my $1 tips and stamp them all. My trademark stamps? www.wheresgeorge.com and either a horseshoe or a Disney character.

I only bring this up as one of my bills was found...in Maine...one of the states I want to visit.

Here are some funny "where I got it" stats:

"Forgot where I got it. When I did, I put it in my pocket instead of my wallet so I wouldn't spend it. I just found it again when I put my pants on. Now it is cleaner!"

"Fixing to spend it on gas."

"Cool red stamp of Miny Mouse. Bill in fair shape. WG.com stamp on bottom front and back left side." (new way of spelling "Minnie.")

"Collected for race money."

($5 bill) "Abe passed by Evans’ Store on his journey."


"Ok condition, not sure where I picked it up. Has some horseshoes printed on it, Lives in Atlanta, GA for the time being."

"I loved the Mickey Mouse stamped on it! I've had it a couple weeks meaning to get on the WG and see where it's been."

"This bill was collected for a field day t-shirt, and is the first I have seen with this web address on it."

The alert I received today that my bill had been hit made me say, "OH YEAH!" Because I rarely pay for anything in cash, I haven't entered in years.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey fellow Georger! Why not come on back it's bigger & better than ever!

Have U ever been to a Gathering? If not U really should try to find one in UR Area it will change Ur Georging Experience for ever. Also U may want to check out the new forums. They R pretty cool.

Yes I still George but not as much as I would like. I have been Georging for about 3 yrs now.

If UR interested U can find my profile in CA as ~Angel Eyes~ in Madtown(Madera) Would love to hear some of UR stories.

Just another Georger
~Angel Eyes~