First and foremost, if you're not in the mood to read something thought-provoking with a hint of philosophy and a dash of a little bit about myself, then move on from this post.
Listening to the radio this morning, one of the personalities is sky diving. Before their dive, last night, they all got together and wrote things in their lives that they would leave on the plane...figuratively and literally. One of the things was "timeline of my life." She said, "I'm leaving behind the disappointment at the extreme expectations I have in the timeline of my life." It made me think. She said, "I think every woman and almost everyone can relate to this."
I thought I would define "Timeline of my life" and then skim the surface a little. "Timeline of my life" are the expectations - whether realistic or not - that you put and schedule your life around. Ex: By this time, I will this. By this time, I will do this, etc. So "Timeline of your life" could be "by this time, I will have children" or "by this time, I will be working here and doing this." "Timeline of my life" is different than mere goals. "Timeline of my life" tend to be the idealistic ventures that you place as hurdles in your life as opposed to goals that are attainable and don't have to be scheduled and completed by a certain date...just as long as you complete're happy.
I thought about the "Timeline of my life" that I originally had in place. I'm not one to give up. I have a great amount of determination and tenacity. However, I came to the realization that I could not live my life by a timeline. I'm twenty-six now. Step one: When I was sixteen, I thought that by twenty-six I would be happy married and ready to go. Obviously, that is not the case. Step two: I thought by the time I was thirty, I would try to have children, but would not move onto step two in my timeline until step one was complete and that Step one A was complete which would be not only married but settled and have everything prepared to even consider having children: jobs that we both had for an extended period of time, insurance, savings, a home, etc.
Then I started looking and thought, do I want to live my life through steps? Through a checklist of "To Do"? Everything scheduled. What happens when you miss a certain timeline "must be completed by this date"? What happens to my timeline then? Whoops - game over - missed your chance - sorry.
That's not something I want. I've since moved off "Timeline of my life" and focused more on hopes, goals, and dreams - all of which are a reality. By moving away from the timeline, and by leaving behind the "steps" in my timeline that were accomplished...and then dashed upon the rocks...I decided goals and living my life was more appropriate.
So now I find myself where I am today. I'm not choosing dates and living off a rigid timeline schedule of events.
Job for an extended period of time - check.
Insurance - health, dental, vision, etc. - check.
Savings - check.
A home - TBD - i.e. currently rent - eventually will own - won't own on my own - (had to lol at the last part - using "own" to its full potential)
Married - TBD at a later date
Children - TBD at a later date
Because of this, I also look at what I have now and am grateful. I think when you have a "Timeline of your life," you tend to have blinders and only look at what's on your timeline instead of all that is around you now.
I have a wonderful group of friends that I have said several times are my second family. They are true friends. They are not people you like one day and can't stand the next. They are people that you welcome them calling you whenever they need you in an emergency no matter what time or circumstance. They are the people whose shoulders you cry on, and they are the people you lend your ear to. I love my group of friends as they have been there through good times and bad times, deaths, illnesses, joy, happiness, giddiness, and any other human emotion you can think of.
Sometimes you have to look outside of the blinders and beyond the here and now in order to fully appreciate your life and forget about your Timeline.
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