Friday, June 20, 2008

Mem-reez - to Lesley and JJ

Remember this night?

A-T-L-A-N-T-A Woo Whee!
Jul. 28th, 2006 | 11:58 am

For those of you that know that 90's song I'm referencing in my title - congrats.

Last weekend I went up to visit JJ and Lesley in Atlanta. I got there around 8pm or so - made great time :) JJ, in case you didn't know, is Jen N., but her nickname is JJ due to "Jennifer Jeter," and if you don't know what "Jeter" is a reference to...just stop communicating with me altogether.

We got "gussied up" (sorta) and headed out to eat first. Had a great meal, had a waitress that couldn't speak/understand English: an Eastern European in a Tex-Mex restaurant - there's one for the recordbooks. All three of us slurped down jumbo watermelon margaritas. I'd advise AGAINST watermelon margaritas - they are not sweet.

JJ was already tired - lol - and the three of us went down to Buckhead/Atlanta. We walked aimlessly around. I think we went to Fado's first...PACKED. I saw a sign "live music" so I'm thinking - Hell yah - Irish Drinking Songs! And was faced with Phil Collins songs :( We made our way through the snobbish crowd (not a "real" Irish pub crowd), and we ended up on the patio. I convinced Lesley to try Cider...which she did not like (Strongbow is a rather dry cider), and JJ got a Rum an Irish pub. Well...with the live music selection, that drink wasn't too outta place. So one and a quarter ciders down, one megarita...and I'm still 100% sober - WTF? lol

We leave Fado's and start walking towards MoonDogs...didn't make it there as we saw the NYY replay on the tv outside of Loco's...and MoonDogs was PACKED. So we opted for COLD A/C on a HOT Summer's night and went to Loco's. JJ scarfed down a Diet Coke and cheese fries - (blagh!), and we attempted to avoid the whiney drama in the ladies room.

We ended up leaving and heading back to the apts around midnight I guess. Lesley passed out - not literally - and JJ and I hit the apartment pool. We had a small audience outside on their balconies watching - why? I don't know. I checked a couple of times to make sure my boobs hadn't popped out of my tank top or something.

(Doing backflips in a swimming pool after drinking even a minute amount can be fun. I do NOT condone pools/drunk/horseplay. The whirling sensation is great - it was merely the alcohol burning off my system; I was NOT intoxicated)

The next day, JJ and I met up with Lesley, and we went to Fellini's for pizza - MMMMMM- Calzones and a 7' tall Drag Queen - whatta combo!

JJ and I went to the Bodies exhibit at the Civic Center; it was really neat. It made me want to re-pursue my medical degree as I had planned a decade ago. The obnoxious medical students and such were annoying; I, too, could have used Latissmus dorsi, Abdominis recti, Zygomaticus, and Orbicularis orus correctly...but I have respect for other people in the "gallery." What dorks.

JJ and I hit Perimeter and Ikea. I LOOOOVE Ikea now - gee, thanks.

I headed back home in the evening, and arrived back in Hell...I mean South Georgia around 11pm or so I guess.

Looking forward to heading to the ATL again!

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