First of all, if you are not from this area, and you don't know the road known as Peachtree Industrial - allow me to elaborate. Peachtree Industrial - 6 lanes of traffic moving at a rapid rate of speed between Buford and Chamblee. This section of which I am about to discuss is around Norcross/Chamblee area.
Last Saturday (the 31st), I went with Keith to watch the Penguins and the Red Wings play with his friend, Ed. After not being able to find Ed even after passing the frozen snow cone miniature golf Asian Extravaganza....we finally caught up with him and made the decision to WALK to the sports bar for the game-watching. Not a big deal. Never once thought that we were all wearing dark colors, and by the time we would be leaving the bar, it would be dark outside. Common logic never came into play.
Our first dart across Peachtree Industrial Blvd (herein referred to as "PIB") is fine. No cars. Sunlight, and we make our way to the sports bar. The first thing noticed was Steelers plastered across the front windows of the sports bar. My coworkers would love this place, and I remember my one coworker saying, "the reason why there are so many Steelers fans far and wide across the U.S. is because Pittsburgh is such a crappy place to live and work, that they move, taking their fandom with them." He, being a former Pittsburghian, can say that.
We walk into the sports bar to watch one of the final games of the Pens/Red-f'ing-Wings, and the bar is desolate. There is a man sitting 6 feet away from a HUGE t.v. watching the college world series. There is a table with two boys playing online games. That's pretty much it. There are t.v.s all around the sport's bar, and a waitress donned in a Guinness shirt seats us (that I would later be told that her shirt was a 'mammaries shirt.') I order a Terrapin, Keith orders a Killian's, and sorry, Ed, but I can't remember what you got. Soft pretzels, Nachos, beer, sports, Keith, it was great :) The sound for the World Series was all you could hear so when we heard "YAY!" and other cheers for that game, we thought we missed something in the Pen's game.
Suddenly, I hear a familiar beat of Soulja Boy. What's going on in the [smoking area] bar? Suddenly we see two kids come racing out of the bar area (mind you...this is now....8:30/9:00-ish). I then inform Keith and Ed that I was so happy I was upstairs at the wedding reception I was at when the Charlie Brown Cha Cha shoot me now or make me deaf came on from the DJ. On the next breath....................the Charlie Brown Cha Cha shoot me now or make me deaf song came on in the bar. WTF? We have now realized there is a birthday party, wedding reception, anniversary something going on....in the bar....bordering the "sports" area while we are trying to watch the game with the commentary being that from the College World Series game. Oh....dear....Lord.
Somewhere in the meantime, a young mother comes walking out with a small child in her arms. Wait...let me rephrase. Somewhere in the meantime, a young mother comes walking out of the smoke-filled bar area with a small child in her arms. "Yeah, I have to change her diaper," says the mother. Expecting to see the mother go into the bathroom, I am disgusted to look over and see the mother with her child laying on one of the booth's seats as she is changing the diaper, handing the soiled one to the person behind her. I wanted to say something. I was furious. Then she takes her to the bathroom to wash her hands. Are you serious? I did not just see someone playing with urinary and fecal matter in a booth where people sit to eat! But..........I did.
We left at - I don't know what time it was - 10:30? We decide to walk back to the apartment, and THEN it hits us - great we're all wearing dark colors, and here we go trying to re-enact Frogger in the darkness of PIB. Do you know how difficult it is to time crossing 6 lanes of traffic with three people at night time and cars NOT slowing down? It's difficult I tell you. After a few minutes, I see a break in the line of cars and start walking out into the road while a car is passing. I'm sure the lady has freaked out that a person was jogging towards her car as I break into a faster jog and get to the cement median. I turn around fast enough to THEN see Keith and Ed Froggering it across the highway and take off across the last set of lanes. Nothing more exhilarating (or stupid) than crossing PIB around 11pm wearing dark clothing and NO street lights around. We are the reason why insurance premiums are so high.
And for humor sake...
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