Monday, June 9, 2008

100 Posts down.

Okay let's recap. 100 posts. Who knows what they're all about. Random stuff probably.

MYSPACE - NOTE TO ALL: I am officially leaving MySpace. A discussion I had last night with Keith about the complex immaturity on MySpace only strengthened by disgust for it. I know my friends that read my blogs on MySpace are now reading them here. Keith and I were talking about the unwritten rules of MySpace last night. Really, the only reason why I remained a member of MySpace was to continue to obtain story ideas for my newest work. Then I had to laugh. I started coming up with the unwritten rules of MySpace including "who belongs in your top friends?" etc. It was all tongue-in-cheek, and it was meant to be. But yet, another thing I realized on MySpace - people don't know what sarcasm or what tongue-in-cheek means. (The teens/pre-teens probably think it's a new kiss). So as of today, my MySpace is officially closed. I will be taking the photos I have on it off and into a private album online and that was that. I will, however, continue to keep my Facebook as it seems there is a higher level of intelligence there. I will also continue with this blog (d'uh).

NAN AND POP: As most of you that actually know me in "real life" know, I was down in South Georgia this weekend. Why was I down in South Georgia? Pop passed away in December. Nan passed away in March. We had Pop's memorial service in January and Nan's in April. That leaves a house in South Georgia of all of their stuff. As you can tell by my posts this weekend, it was rough. Friday night we went over some things, and I got choked up.

The piece de resistance of difficulty (even when I choked up slightly telling Keith this last night), was when I was out in my Pop's workshop and found a whiddled sailor that he had carved as probably the last art project he had dne when he was healthy. I wasn't going to take it. It was just a whiddled sailor, but I noticed something written across the bottom in bled marker. Two words that I had to look away from, breathe, and try to hold it together: "I QUIT." That's it. That's all it said, and boy did it hit hard. I pocketed the little sailor took him back with me. I don't know what I'm going to do with it, but I knew I had to take it.

On the lighter side of things, it's funny what you find at someone's house when they pass away. You think they are living one way. In my grandparents' case, they were both extremely ill (hospice) up until the end. Prior to that, my grandfather was a gardener, had a bow and arrow he'd shoot in the backyard, etc. Well, as I walk out to the shed in the back, I see a quill of arrows. I notice on some of the arrows, tied onto them, there is a long piece of rope. From what I can gather, Pop would set up a target, shoot the arrow at it, and then, instead of having to walk and get the arrow (either hitting or not hitting the target), it had a rope attached to it, so he would just pull the rope. Also in the shed is about a dozen random gallon jugs of water from his well with dates on it the two years prior to him getting ill. Why? Who knows. These are just some of the random things I found.

I went up to the house one last time on Sunday. It just feels so odd gathering things you "want" and putting them in a pile. I felt nauseated, and I feel nauseated today still from it all. It's hard to type this without tears welling up in my eyes as their memories flood through me immediately.

CERTIFIED FIRST RESPONDER: Coming home on 75 yesterday, I passed by an accident in the southbound lane. It looked like a fender bender, and I just did my thing and moved on since the authorities were there. As I started coming up the slight hill northbound, I saw a guy standing on the shoulder trying frantically to flag someone down. According to him, it seemed as though the guy in the truck down below (fell off the shoulder to a 15 ft. drop or so at a 50-degree angle incline or so) had been looking at the accident on the other side of the road, and drove off the road. The guy had already got him out but didn't have a cell phone to call 911. The guy seemed to be (outwardly) okay. He was banged up pretty bad and at least had a dislocated shoulder. I only stayed briefly while I called 911 and waited for the ambulance to arrive.

THE END: I guess that's about it for now. I might blog later, but right now, I think I am going to go hike Kennesaw Mtn.

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